If you are interested in high-throughput microfluidic droplet screening, check out our latest pre-print “Continuous FACS sorting of double emulsion picoreactors with a 3D printed vertical mixer.“ This project was led by postdocs Samuel Thompson & Zijian (ZJ) Yang's (from the Soh lab) and demonstrates successful FACS sorting double emulsions at rates of 1,000,000/hour!
Welcome Yujia!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our newest lab member Yujia Bian to the Fordyce Lab!
Congratulations to newly minted Dr. Nicole DelRosso for a fantastic thesis defense!
Polly Fordyce was recently awarded with the President's Award for Excellence Through Diversity!
Matt DeJong has been awarded a Stanford Bio-X Graduate Fellowship!
Eliel Akinbami was recently awarded the Community Alumni Impact Award for his work with SERGE and the Stanford Black Engineering Graduate Student Association!
Welcome Pierre-Emmanuel Thiriet!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our new Visiting Researcher, Pierre-Emmanuel, to the Fordyce Lab!
Welcome Jennifer!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our new Microfluidics Foundry Director!
Welcome Gaeun!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our new Coterm student Gaeun Kim to the Fordyce Lab!
Welcome Daria!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our new rotating student Daria Wonderlick to the Fordyce Lab!
Welcome Micah!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our new rotating student Micah Olivas to the Fordyce Lab!
Welcome Minsung!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our new rotating student Minsung Cho to the Fordyce Lab!
Congratulations Michael!
Michael Hayes has been offered an award from the National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) for his proposal.
Welcome to the world, Rex!
We are thrilled to welcome Alex’s new baby as the littlest and cutest member of the lab! :)
Congratulations Conor!
Conor McClune has been awarded the 2021 Damon Runyon Fellowship award! Read more in the recent press release.
Welcome Julia!
The Fordyce Lab would like to welcome our new rotating student Julia Schaepe to the Fordyce Lab!
Congratulations Peter!
Peter Suzuki has been awarded with the Department of Bioengineering Agilent Fellowship!
Congratulations to Andy and the BEADS Team!
Andy and the BEADS team's MRBLEs 2.0 paper has been officially accepted to Microsystems & Nanoengineering
Welcome Renee!
The Fordyce Lab welcomes to Renee Hastings who has officially joined the Fordyce Lab!
Farewell to Gauen and Jamin
Best of luck to Gauen and Jamin who will be moving on to their next endeavors, best of luck! You both will be greatly missed!